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Banner ads are a very effective method of advertising and getting people to visit your site. The key to banner advertisement is having an eye-catching banner and having it appear on either high traffic sites for general ads or Targeted Sites for specialized or more local ads. Banner exchanges and/or banners placed in low-traffic and/or non-targeted sites are not effective or cost efficient. Banner ads are considered the second most effective method of advertising on the Internet.

The major drawback to banner advertising can be cost. A well placed banner ad on a high traffic site can easily run around $2500 per month and most websites do not have the advertising budget necessary to effectively launch a banner ad campaign. More cost effective banner ads can be found on local advertising sites and, sometimes, on sites with specific targeted trafic. The advantages of banner ads are that they work and are easy: just make a banner, locate a site, and your advertisement is done.

If you are interested in placing banner ads, Bay State Internet Services can make and design your company's banner for you and find you appropriate advertising space.

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