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Keyword Analysis

Request a keyword analysis by filling in the information below. We will provide you with an email containing the following information:
  • Keywords: For each single word keyword provided, we will provide you with a list of 5-10 popular keyword phrases based on search engine queries.
  • KEI Analysis: For each keyword phrase, a KEI (Key Effectiveness Index) Analysis (The KEI is a measure of how effective a keyword is for your web site. The derivation of the formula for KEI is based on three axioms).
  • Count: For each keyword phrase, a count of the number of times a particular keyword has been searched in the last 30 days.
  • 24 hrs: For each keyword phrase, a mathematical estimate of the number of predicted traffic you would expect to receive in 24hrs if you were the top bid of the search engine alone.
  • Competing: For each keyword phrase, the number of competing web pages for that keyword phrase.
You will get complete data on approximately 30 keyword phrases for the three primary single word keywords you provide.

Request your analysis NOW:
(Please complete the appropriate section)
Basic Keyword Analysis
Single Search Engine
$25.00 fee
*First Name:  
*Last Name:  
* Web Site URL:  
*Email (confirm):  
Keyword #1:  
Keyword #2:  
Keyword #3:  
Credit Card Information
Card Type:    
Credit Card Number:  
Expiration Date:  
Card Verification
Help finding your Card Verification Number 
Billing Address 1:
Billing Address 2: (optional)
ZIP Code:  (5 or 9 digits)
Home Telephone:
Premium Keyword Analysis
Most Top Major Search Engines
$50.00 fee
*First Name:  
*Last Name:  
* Web Site URL:  
*Email (confirm):  
Keyword #1:  
Keyword #2:  
Keyword #3:  
Credit Card Information
Card Type:    
Credit Card Number:  
Expiration Date:  
Card Verification
Help finding your Card Verification Number 
Billing Address 1:
Billing Address 2:(optional)
ZIP Code:  (5 or 9 digits)
Home Telephone:

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